Monday, May 25, 2020
Effects of Cultural Lag
Cultural lag  also called culture lag  describes what happens in a social system when the ideals that regulate life do not keep pace with other changes which are often  but not always  technological. Advances in technology and in other areas effectively render old ideals and social norms obsolete, leading to ethical conflicts and crises. The Cultural Lag Concept The cultural lag concept was first theorized and the term was coined by William F. Ogburn, an American sociologist, in his book Social Change With Respect to Culture and Original Nature, published in 1922. Ogden felt that materiality  and by extension, the technology that promotes it  advances at a rapid pace, whereas societal norms tend to resist change and advance much more slowly. Innovation surpasses adaptation and this creates conflict. Some Examples of Cultural Lag Medical technology has advanced at such a pace as to put it in conflict with several moral and ethical beliefs. Here are a few examples: Life Support: Medical technology is now being used to keep people’s bodies functioning long after they would otherwise have been declared dead. This raises cultural and ethical questions about when life ends and who has the right to end artificial life support or to prolong existence. The development of new cultural beliefs, values, and norms lags behind the dilemmas posed by the technological change. Stem cell research and therapies: Stem cells have been proven to defeat a host of diseases, yet they must come from unborn fetuses. Some types of abortion remain illegal on several state and federal levels, creating a conflict between medical advancement, the law, and ethical and religious beliefs. Cancer vaccines: A vaccine against cervical cancer became available in the 21st century, but some oppose it because it is given to preteens. This is seen in some quarters as encouraging youngsters to engage in sexual activity. Again, medical advancement has outpaced cult ural and moral considerations. Other Cultural Lags in the 20th Century History  and particularly recent history  is rife with other, less traumatic examples of cultural lag that nonetheless support Ogburns position. Technology and society are fast-paced, and human nature and inclination are slow to catch up. Despite their many advantages over the handwritten word, typewriters werent routinely used in offices until 50 years after their invention. A similar situation exists with the computers and word processors that are commonplace in businesses today. They were at first met with objections from labor unions that they would undermine the workforce, ultimately replacing people and ultimately costing jobs. Is There a Cure? Human nature being what it is, its unlikely that any solution exists for cultural lag. The human intellect will always strive to find ways to do things faster and more easily. It has always attempted to fix problems thought to be insurmountable. But people are wary by nature, wanting proof that something is good and worthwhile before accepting and embracing it. Cultural lag has been around since man first invented the wheel, and woman worried that traveling so fast would surely cause grievous injury.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Evaluation Of A Resident Adviser Of Freshmen For Une And...
As a Resident Advisor of freshmen for UNE and an EMT-Basic, I have experienced many different situations that involve adolescent behaviors first hand. In an article written by Thomas S. Weisner, he points out the idea of Ecocultural theory where a â€Å"child’s engagement in more sustainable routines and activities is good for children, and produces well-being†(279). This idea that it is the being’s responsibility to manage their life after receiving guidance from their daily influences based on cultural pathways allows me to be who I am now. As I continue my education in the University of New England, I am able to observe the many cognitive processes (psychodynamic, social inference, etc†¦) with the residents on my floor. Many situations can impact what students choose to pursue in the future and it is powerful when you realize that you can influence that choice. With this information, I understand that anything can impact human development. The most i mportant influence is the first choice that their caregiver has. Since the shocking experience, I have formed thoughts about religion and politics that mainly apply to who I believe I am. Being raised by a Russian orthodox parent, I was influenced to believe in some sort of beginning of life and reasoning for all that exists to exist. My mother would constantly nag me to go to church on Sundays and pray before I went to bed. I ended up not following a religious standpoint once I began college and rather thought of scientific
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Theme Of Honesty In Young Goodman Brown - 1912 Words
In the short story, â€Å"Young Goodman Brown,†Nathaniel Hawthorne depicts the tale of a young Puritan man who secretly visits a mysterious individual, later revealing himself as the devil, only to realize that the people he saw as pure and virtuous were already allied with the sin he feared so deeply. Although the encounter was revealed to be a mere dream, Goodman Brown’s outlook on life was altered completely, depicting the weakness of public morality as well as how societal pressures lead to such a strong fear of judgment that even the best of men can lose sight of who they are. In his work, â€Å"The Insufficiency of Honesty,†Stephen Carter draws the line between honesty and integrity, demonstrating through numerous scenarios how one could†¦show more content†¦Now are ye undeceived. Evil is the nature of mankind†(Hawthorne 12). Through his mistake of encountering the devil, Goodman Brown was exposed to an unnecessary truth, which in turn led to him questioning everyone’s motivations and integrity. Had he decided to run back to his wife, he could have been able to his integrity by turning a blind eye to a horrid truth. In â€Å"Young Goodman Brown,†the devil was an example of what Stephen Carter referred to as ‘fake honesty’ in his work, â€Å"The Insufficiency of Honesty.†One could argue that the devil was quite truthful. However, this honesty had a lack of integrity which was what made it immoral in actuality. I believe that the devil lacked integrity because his truths did nothing but cause others grief. In contrast, Goodman Brown was believably honorable at the beginning of the story as his hid his wicked intentions from his wife who he believed was innocent. Although he lied to his wife, he preserved his integrity because he shouldered his dark secret in order to spare Faith’s feelings. While the devil hurt others with his truths, Goodman Brown only hurt himself with his l ies, which is what initially made him better than the devil. However, as Goodman Brown’s integrity was challenged over and over again by the evils presented to him by the devil as well as his own sinful temptation, he ended up losing the honor he worked so hardShow MoreRelatedCompairison of Young Goodman Brown and No Country For Old Men900 Words  | 4 PagesThe story Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne depicts a man whose inner desire is to experience the evil forbidden forest, as well as retaining his image as a, â€Å"good and honest Christian.†This internal conflict is also portrayed in the movie No Country for Old Men, which was directed and written by the Coen brothers. In the movie the main character, Llewellyn Moss, is confronted with the moral dilemma of either keeping the drug money he found or calling the police. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Final Speech Analysis free essay sample
My speech evaluation is based on Steve Jobs’ Inspirational Speech, â€Å"If today were the last day of my life. †He was trying to persuade the audiences that whatever you do, follow your heart, if you were to die tomorrow, would you want to do this. During his speech, he said that, â€Å"I ask myself if today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today? And whenever the answer is no for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something. †He also said that, â€Å"Remember I am going to be dead soon, is the most important tool he ever encountered to make the big choices in life. Steve effectively delivered his message. The speech is very inspirational that after the speech, I feel like I need to change my life. First of all, according to O’Brien, in order to make the speech persuasive, you have to be able to build a rapport and show the audiences that you are sincere and trustworthy. We will write a custom essay sample on Final Speech Analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, best known as the inventor of iPhone. He brought Apple from near bankruptcy to profitability. He supported his thesis with his own story, that he has cancer and he only has three to six months to live. His background also gave him some advantages because he is successful. The structure of the speech is very well organized. He first had a connection with the audiences with a question, and then he declared his thesis, after that he supported his thesis with his story, and finally he concluded his speech by saying goodbye to his family. That’s what makes the speech so powerful and persuasive. In addition, in order to deliver a message successfully, a connection with the audiences is very important because this will help better engage the audiences. Steve made a very well connection with the audiences. He started his speech with a question that he wants the audiences to ask themselves, â€Å"If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today? †This is a very powerful connection because human fear death. Most people in the society today don’t like what they are doing, but because they need to do it for a living. Steve wants to them to realize that do what they want, because you never know when you are going to die one day. Finally, he ended the speech with a strong conclusion. A conclusion is very important. As O’Brien said, a conclusion is the last set of words you leave with your audiences. Steve Jobs know he is going to die soon, and he took this speech as an opportunity to say goodbye to his family. This will make the audiences realize that he is not saying all these things just to tell them to follow their dreams as everyone else. He is saying all these things because he means it, and he has been through all of that. This makes the conclusion strong because these are the last few words from him and that it leaves an unforgettable memory for the audiences. Overall, Steve Jobs successfully deliver his message to the audiences. The speech is strong and powerful because he did an excellent job in organizing his speech, making a connection with the audiences, and ending the speech with a strong conclusion. Although Steve Jobs is not here with us today, but the speeches he gave is still powerful and memorable. He is no doubt an excellent public speaker.
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